The Real Satoshi Nakamoto: Greg Bright | Chapter 3: What Happens Next?

The Real Satoshi Nakamoto: Greg Bright | Chapter 3: What Happens Next?

Disclaimer: This short story is entirely fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events, including references to Bitcoin, is purely coincidental.

Note: Start with Chapter 1 if you want to get the most out of our stories! 

Greg Bright, Chapter 3: What Happens Next?

The Shockwaves in the Room

The shockwaves that were sent through the mystery hunters' room had a unique physicality to them. And that's because this "room" wasn't simply a room - it was an amalgamation of hardware, software, network, protocol, and data. It was a true testament to the future of work - a decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO for short.

In the aftermath of Shawn's revelation, this group of "treasure hunters of the digital world" found themselves in a predicament. This was no ordinary DAO - funded by global venture capitalists and driven by a relentless pursuit of Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity, it was a genuine frontrunner in the "great Satoshi hunt."

The DAO had its roots in two firm conspiracy theories - the Vatican Mars theory and the Shawn theory. The latter had just suffered a spectacular setback, while the former was debunked by a costly and failed Mars expedition. The third theory, never embedded into the DAO's logic due to its enigmatic nature, was suddenly looking like a missed opportunity.

Venture capitalists had funneled enormous resources into this mission, all in hopes of uncovering the enigma that was Satoshi's identity. As the dual failures set in, they were left with nothing but a void where their potential fortunes should have been. The funds, primarily designated for these explorations, were now on the brink of bankruptcy. Investors, rightfully infuriated, were rapidly withdrawing their assets.

The DAO Crisis

The DAO in question was built upon a proof-of-stake blockchain, a system in which a majority of the "stakes" were either directly or indirectly under the control of a select few. These operators included stake service providers and exchanges on which these stakes are purchased, sold, sent, or stored.

The funding for the DAO, now a spectacular failure, was provided via a token coin. This token was a layered solution built on the most popular proof-of-stake blockchain of the time. With the DAO's crash, the value of its token started to plummet. The ensuing market panic led many to believe that the proof-of-stake blockchain on which this DAO token was built would crash as well.

Adding fuel to the fire, key investors in the project were even contemplating a potential hard fork. This hard fork would introduce a new rule to the blockchain protocol, preventing tokens from being issued for the purpose of treasure hunts, similar to the one which had just failed so miserably.

While this might seem like an overreaction to some, it reflected a growing concern about the risks associated with proof-of-stake blockchains. This wasn't just about whether a blockchain could crash to zero value - it was about the very real possibility of a non-zero risk becoming a reality. The volatile nature of these digital assets and the financial havoc they could wreak when things go wrong was no longer just a theoretical debate. The DAO's failure had made this a very real and very urgent concern.

But why this risk? Why now? This DAO crisis had opened up a Pandora's box of concerns about the inherent stability of proof-of-stake blockchains. These issues were no longer on the fringes of crypto discourse. They had become the main topic of conversation, and for a good reason. The DAO's crash was a harsh reminder of the financial implications these digital proof-of-stake systems carry, both for individual investors and for the global financial ecosystem.

What Bitcoin Did

While the DAO crisis was unfolding, life for many others carried on as usual in the post-2140 world. Bitcoin continued to be the cornerstone of their digital lives. Despite the uproar in the DAO community, Bitcoin's unique value proposition remained untouched.

Bitcoin, since its inception by the unknown Satoshi Nakamoto, had revolutionized the economic landscape. It opened up new avenues for economic inclusion, fostering prosperity on a global scale. It supported budding businesses by offering a resilient financial infrastructure outside traditional banking systems. In an increasingly digital world, it allowed individuals to maintain their sovereignty by giving them control over their own financial assets.

In the wake of the DAO crisis, Bitcoin's steadfastness stood out starkly. Amidst the swirling doubts about the future of proof-of-stake blockchains, Bitcoin's proof-of-work model held its ground, proving to be a source of stability and reliability for its global community of users.

While the DAO's venture had been a reckless treasure hunt, Bitcoin's influence on society was a treasure in itself - not hidden away in a cryptographic puzzle, but out in the open for everyone to experience and benefit from. As the dust settled from the DAO crisis, Bitcoin's value and impact were more visible and important than ever.

The year 2140 might have been marked by the DAO debacle, but it was also a testament to Bitcoin's enduring legacy - a legacy that began with Satoshi Nakamoto, continued through individuals like Greg Bright and Shawn, and will undoubtedly carry on into the future.

Hi Satoshis!

As we end our chapter 3, a personal note from us.  

This chapter is dedicated to one of our highly recommended Bitcoin podcasts - What Bitcoin Did! We are inspired by the passion and commitment of the entire What Bitcoin Did team in bringing forward the true Bitcoin stories and, hence, in the process raising awareness about Bitcoin in this world!

We love what What Bitcoin Did creates! Dear readers, we hope you all will enjoy them too. Our personal favorite of What Bitcoin Did was this episode where they travel to Texas to explore how Bitcoin is helping local communities prosper again!

With that, this was all from us for now!

If you are as crazy about Bitcoin as I, let's chat sometime? DM us on Twitter at @SatoshisCoins

Chalo Phir


This short story, "The Real Satoshi Nakamoto", is purely a work of fiction and is not based on actual events. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. While the story references Bitcoin and its history, it is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a factual recounting of events or circumstances related to Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, or any other real individuals or entities associated with the history and development of Bitcoin. Other blogs and content on this site which are factual and provide information on Bitcoin and other topics are separate from this work of fiction and should not be conflated with this story.